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百喻经 55 愿为王剃须喻 The King’s Barber
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55 The King’s Barber


Once there was a king’s close attendant who risked his life to save the king at the battlefront. Delighted the king promised the man anything he wanted. He asked him, “What would you like? All of your wishes will be granted.”

The attendant said, “Please let me shave your head when you need a shave.” “If this agrees with you, I’ll grant you your wish.”

That foolish man became the laughing stock of the world. He could have asked for half the kingdom or the position of a minister or premier, but instead he opted for an inferior profession. Stupid people are this way, too. Until they became Buddhas, all Buddhas cultivated ascetic practices that were extremely difficult. It is very rare that we can encounter the Buddha or the bequest of his Dharma and attain a human body. It is as difficult as a blind turtle trying to find a hole in a log floating in the water.

Now that we have overcome both those difficulties, with inferior resolve we are content with holding just a few precepts and think it’s enough. We do not seek the supreme wonderful Dharma of Nirvana. With no thought of making further progress, we are content with doing deviant deeds.









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上一篇:百喻经 56 索无物喻 To Ask For Nothing
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 百喻经 55 愿为王剃须喻 The King’s Barber..
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