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百喻经 46 偷犁牛喻 Stealing a Yak
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46 Stealing a Yak


Once upon a time, the people of a certain village together stole a yak and ate it. The owner of the yak traced their tracks and came to that village. He called out to the villagers saying, “Do you live in this village?”

The villagers said, “We know of no village.”

The owner further asked, “There is a pond in your village. Did you eat the yak together on the side of the pond?”

The villagers replies, “We know of no pond.”

The owner again asked, “Is there a tree near the pond?”

“No, we know of no tree, “answered the villagers.

“Were you on the east side of the village when you stole my yak?”

“We know of no eastern direction.”

“Wasn’t it at noon that you stole my yak?”

“Although it is possible that there is no village and no tree,” said the owner, “How could it be possible that there is no direction and no time in all the world? This proves you have been lying and that I can’t believe you at all. Did you steal my yak and eat it?”

The villagers finally admitted; “We ate your yak.”

Those who break the precepts are this way, too. They cover up their offenses and refuse to admit them. Upon death they enter the hells. Under the scrutiny of the good spirits and gods, these people are unable to conceal their offenses, just like the villagers who could not but admit that they stole the yak for food.











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