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当前栏目:[达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West]文集

 灵鸟装死 巧出樊笼 The Smart Bird, Pretending to Be Dead, Cleverly Escapes the Cage 阅读:1555
 生死自由 真出笼计 Freedom over Birth and Death Comes When We Truly Escape Our Cage 阅读:1562
 十殿阎君 请师喝茶 The Yamas of the Ten Courts Invite the Master to Tea 阅读:1606
 谁能不死 阎君亦拜 Even the Venerable Yamas Will Bow to Whoever Is Free from Death 阅读:1706
 神光法师 赤足追祖 Barefoot, Dharma Master Shen Guang Races after the Patriarch 阅读:1643
 见鸟出笼 悟装死人 Meeting the Parrot Who Escaped from the Cage, He Realizes He Must Pretend to Be Dead 阅读:1685
 追随祖师 直至嵩山 Pursuing the Patriarch, He Follows Him Straight to Mount Song 阅读:1643
 祖师面壁 法师求忏 While the Patriarch Sits Facing the Rock Wall, The Dharma Master Seeks to Repent 阅读:1640
 九载跪求 了生法门 Kneeling for Nine Years, He Seeks the Dharma for Ending Birth and Death 阅读:1442
 神光断臂 考题交卷 Slicing Off His Arm, Dharma Master Shen Guang Solves the Problem 阅读:1629
 天降红血 呈示祖师 The Snow that Falls from the Sky Turns Red;He Presents It to the Patriarch 阅读:1633
 真心求法 祖师传法 He Seeks the Dharma with a True Mind;the Patriarch Transmits It to Him 阅读:1527
 觅心不得 安心已竟 Searching for His Mind, He Cannot Find It;His Mind Is Already Calmed 阅读:1781
 万法归一 死生自由 The Myriad Dharmas Returning to the One,Attaining the Liberation from Birth and Death 阅读:1906
 圣人之体 毒不可侵 Poison Cannot Invade the Body of a Sage 阅读:1664
 传法有人 示入涅槃 Having Transmitted the Dharma to Someone,He Appears to Enter Nirvana 阅读:1531
 只履西归 遇见宋云 As He Returns West Carrying One Shoe, He Encounters Song Yun 阅读:1613
 预言应验 国王驾崩 His Prediction Was True: The Emperor Had Died 阅读:1552
 空棺只鞋 祖师何在 Only One Shoe in an Empty Coffin: Where Is the Patriarch? 阅读:1694
 六祖浣衣 方辩述奇 As the Sixth Patriarch Washes His Sash, Fang Bian Relates a Strange Tale 阅读:1617

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