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谁能不死 阎君亦拜 Even the Venerable Yamas Will Bow to Whoever Is Free from Death
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Even the Venerable Yamas Will Bow to
Whoever Is Free from Death

谁能不死 阎君亦拜

Dharma Master Shen Guang asked, "Who in this world is free from death? Is there anyone in this world who has really ended birth and death?"


"There is," the Yamas of the Ten Courts replied. "There's someone in this world who has ended birth and death."


"Who?" asked Dharma Master Shen Guang. "Please tell me so that I can follow him to learn the way to end birth and death."


The Yamas of the Ten Courts replied,   "Which one? He is the black-faced monk;whose teeth you knocked out. He is free from death. King Yama has no control over him. Not only that, King Yama bows in respect to him every day!"


Dharma Master Shen Guang replied, "Oh! He is a monk who has ended birth and death? Fine. I don't want to go with you yet. I want to go find that black-faced monk and follow him to learn the Dharma-door of ending birth and death. Could you wait a bit to take me away? Is that all right? I am determined to end birth and death! Could you speak to King Yama on my behalf to see if he can give me a little more time so I can go learn this Dharma-door?"


The Yamas of the Ten Courts replied, "All right. Since you are so sincere, what you ask is not beyond the realm of possibility. We can be expedient and agree to a compromise."


Well, they didn't drag him off to have tea with King Yama. You know, of course, that King Yama also enjoys a good cup of tea. You who like to drink tea should exercise some caution! Ha! Ha!


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上一篇:神光法师 赤足追祖 Barefoot, Dharma Master Shen Guang Races after the Patriarch
下一篇:十殿阎君 请师喝茶 The Yamas of the Ten Courts Invite the Master to Tea
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