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六祖浣衣 方辩述奇 As the Sixth Patriarch Washes His Sash, Fang Bian Relates a Strange Tale
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As the Sixth Patriarch Washes His Sash,
Fang Bian Relates a Strange Tale

六祖浣衣 方辩述奇

In the Sixth Patriarch's Platform Sutra is a passage that mentions how one day when the Sixth Patriarch was in the mountain forest washing the sash which he received from the Fifth Patriarch, a monk came and bowed to him. After paying his respects, the monk said, "My name is Fang Bian. I am a native of Sichuan. A few days ago, I saw Patriarch Bodhidharma in South India. He told me to come back here to the Land of Tang [China]. The Patriarch said, 'From Great Kashyapa onward to me and down through the generations, the Proper Dharma Eye Treasury has been transmitted along with the Patriarch's robe, the twenty-five piece sash--the sanghati. It is now in China, having been transmitted to the sixth generation who is at Cao Creek of Shaoguan. Go quickly to that place and pay obedience to that Sixth Patriarch!'"


Think about it. The First Patriarch Bodhidharma already died in China, but this monk Fang Bian met him in India during the Sixth Patriarch's time. Is it not strange? Actually, it's not that surprising because up to now, no one knows where Patriarch Bodhidharma has gone.


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