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圣人之体 毒不可侵 Poison Cannot Invade the Body of a Sage
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Poison Cannot Invade the Body of a Sage

圣人之体 毒不可侵

While Patriarch Bodhidharma was in China, people attempted to poison him six times. Who poisoned him? It was Bodhiruchi, also called Vinaya Master Guang Tong, the same Small Vehicle Dharma Master who forced the Patriarch's two disciples out of China. He was extremely jealous of Patriarch Bodhidharma. He prepared a vegetarian meal and offered it to the Patriarch. The problem was, he laced the food with a lethal poison. Anyone would have died from the dose.

Well, did the Patriarch Bodhidharma know that the food was poisoned? He knew! Although he knew it was poisoned, he ate it anyway. After he ate it, he asked someone to bring him a tray, and then he vomited the food onto the tray. The poison he vomited was transformed into a pile of writhing snakes. That was the first time.


After that unsuccessful attempt, Dharma Master Bodhiruchi couldn't figure out why the Patriarch had not been poisoned to death. The second time he doubled the dose of poison. It hadn't worked the previous time; this time he used more poison. He even used a more lethal variety to try to poison the Patriarch. Again, Patriarch Bodhidharma ate the food. Then he sat atop a huge boulder and relieved nature. The force of the poison that was eliminated exploded on the boulder, breaking not only the potency of the poison but also splitting the boulder as well. That was the second time.


{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

上一篇:传法有人 示入涅槃 Having Transmitted the Dharma to Someone,He Appears to Enter Nirvana
下一篇:万法归一 死生自由 The Myriad Dharmas Returning to the One,Attaining the Liberation from Birth and Death
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