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只履西归 遇见宋云 As He Returns West Carrying One Shoe, He Encounters Song Yun
{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

As He Returns West Carrying One Shoe,
He Encounters Song Yun

只履西归 遇见宋云

Patriarch Bodhidharma then pretended to enter Nirvana. People buried his coffin and thought the matter was finished. However, right at that time, a diplomatic representative from Northern Wei called Song Yun met Patriarch Bodhidharma in the vicinity of the Qin Range on the road to Zhongnan Mountain. When they met, Patriarch Bodhidharma was carrying one shoe in his hand. He said to Song Yun, "The king of your country died today. Your country is in turmoil. Return quickly! There is work to be done."


Song Yun thought, "Nothing is happening in my country." Then he asked Patriarch Bodhidharma, "Great Master, where are you going then?"


"Back to India," he replied.


"Great Master, to whom did you transmit your Dharma?"


Patriarch Bodhidharma replied, "In China after forty years, there will be someone able ('Ke')." "Able" was a reference to Great Master Hui Ke.


{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

上一篇:预言应验 国王驾崩 His Prediction Was True: The Emperor Had Died
下一篇:传法有人 示入涅槃 Having Transmitted the Dharma to Someone,He Appears to Enter Nirvana
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