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天降红血 呈示祖师 The Snow that Falls from the Sky Turns Red;He Presents It to the Patriarch
{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

The Snow that Falls from the Sky Turns Red;
He Presents It to the Patriarch

天降红血 呈示祖师

He cut off his arm. What happened then? Well, blood gushed out of the wound, dyeing the snow red. A lot of blood flowed and he mixed the blood with the snow, dyeing the originally white snow red. Dharma Master Shen Guang took something, perhaps a bamboo basket, scooped up a basketful of red snow, and said, "Patriarch, please take a look: now the snow is red."


{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

上一篇:真心求法 祖师传法 He Seeks the Dharma with a True Mind;the Patriarch Transmits It to Him
下一篇:神光断臂 考题交卷 Slicing Off His Arm, Dharma Master Shen Guang Solves the Problem
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