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当前栏目:[宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks]文集

 好因好果 Good Causes, Good Effects 阅读:1815
 对联 Matching Couplets 阅读:1774
 戒定不足无智慧 With Insufficient Precepts and Samadhi, One Has No Wisdom 阅读:1811
 出家修道要摄持身心 After Leaving the Home-life, Concentrate in Body and Mind 阅读:1797
 修道人要经得起考验 Cultivators Must Be Able to Face Challenges 阅读:1845
 团结一致 维护佛教 Let’s Unite in Support of Buddhism 阅读:1663
 如何戒除吃肉的习惯? How Can We Break the Habit of Eating Meat? 阅读:1958
 为了生死而出家 We Leave the Home-life in Order to End Birth and Death 阅读:1896
 有麝自然香 何须大风扬 When the Musk-Deer Arrives, Everyone Can Smell Its Scent 阅读:2100
 何谓三藏十二部? What are the Three Treasuries and the Twelve Divisions? 阅读:2936
 受法香熏陶能开悟 Permeated by the Fragrance of Dharma, We Can Become Enlightened 阅读:1785
 贪瞋痴是害人的魁首 Greed, Anger, and Stupidity Harm Us the Most 阅读:1814
 以仁义礼智信安天立地 Use Humaneness, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, and Faith to Establish Heaven and Earth… 阅读:2183
 破除佛教中迷信的色彩 Destroying Superstition within Buddhism 阅读:1772
 重整译经工作 The Work of Revising the Translations of Sutras 阅读:1849
 以利益人类为己任 Only a person who aspires to help the country and benefit mankind can be considered a great… 阅读:1841
 八德是做人的基础 The Eight Virtues Are the Foundation for Being a Person 阅读:2461
 佛和魔不同之处 The Difference between Buddhas and Demons 阅读:2009
 改变命运多做功德 To Change Your Fate, Do Many Meritorious Deeds 阅读:1986
 对育良、培德学生开示 A Talk Given to the Students of Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Schools 阅读:1898

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