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当前栏目:[初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan]文集

 初步参禅的方法 Basic Methods of Investigating Chan 阅读:1753
 ★Section 1 - 参禅参什么? What are we investigating in Chan? 阅读:1637
 认识本来的面目 Recognizing our original face 阅读:1432
 先打佛七再参禅 Attend the Buddha recitation session first and then investigate Chan 阅读:1779
 什么是参话头? What does it mean to investigate the Chan topic? 阅读:1804
 有很多话头可以参 There are many Chan topics that can be investigated 阅读:1508
 一个不能没有的东西 Something that does not cease to exist 阅读:1610
 要你自己去找 You must find it yourself 阅读:1436
 行住坐卧不离禅 Whether moving or still, awake or asleep, do not leave Chan behind 阅读:1586
 参跟求有什么分别? What is the difference between investigating and seeking? 阅读:1558
 久坐有禅 Chan is acquired through long periods of sitting 阅读:1518
 因为你不会用! It is because you do not know how to apply it 阅读:1529
 参「谁」也可以 You can also investigate “who?” 阅读:1441
 沙里澄金 Sifting gold from the sand 阅读:1496
 ★Section 2 - 结跏趺坐 Sitting in Lotus Posture 阅读:1555
 这是不觉,非超觉 This is Unawareness, not Transcendent Awareness 阅读:1393
 哪个腿在上面? Which leg should be on top? 阅读:1524
 金塔?银塔?泥巴? Golden Pagoda? Silver Pagoda? Mud? 阅读:1471
 暖了不能用功 It’s Hard to Concentrate when it is Warm 阅读:1589
 打坐种种的好处 Advantages of Meditation 阅读:1566

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