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★Section 2 - 结跏趺坐 Sitting in Lotus Posture
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Sitting in Lotus Posture


Forged into a vessel of the Spiritual Path,
Unmoved by storms in the eight directions

千锤百炼成道器 八方风雨亦不惊

What is the full lotus posture? Just take a look at how the Buddha sits. The Buddha is sitting in full lotus. What are the advantages of sitting this way? This is the posture for subduing demons. It is the ideal posture for Chan meditation. It will help to calm your mind and prevent distraction. In Buddhism, the full lotus posture is also known as the vajra jeweled posture. If you can sit in full lotus, the gods will protect and guard you, saying, “ Right now, this person can sit in full lotus posture. He is not afraid of pain; and having overcome the pain, he has set his mind on the Path; therefore we should protect him.”


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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