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参跟求有什么分别? What is the difference between investigating and seeking?
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What is the difference between investigating and seeking?


Q: When we investigate, “Who is mindful of the Buddha?” isn’t this considered seeking?

A: This is called investigating, not seeking.

Q: What is the difference between investigating and seeking?

A: Investigating Chan is like drilling a hole. Such effort is not considered seeking. When one seeks, the process is endless and one will never produce a hole from it. When you drill, a hole is produced. Do you understand?

Q: It seems like we are trying to find something by asking, “Who?” in “Who is mindful of the Buddha?”

A: Yes, we are trying to find something. However, we are not seeking. Finding is the same as investigating. It is called investigating the meditation topic [literally, “what comes before words”], instead of seeking the meditation topic.







{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

上一篇:久坐有禅 Chan is acquired through long periods of sitting
下一篇:行住坐卧不离禅 Whether moving or still, awake or asleep, do not leave Chan behind
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