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★Section 1 - 参禅参什么? What are we investigating in Chan?
{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

What are we investigating in Chan?


Penetrate the meditation topic and reveal the sign
Smash the black pail and reveal the original source


‘Chan’ is derived from the Sanskrit word dhyana. It means “stilling thought” in Chinese. To be still is to be serene. If your mind is busy and active, it is false thinking. The mind that does not move is the true mind, the proper mind. Calming your thoughts and reducing the activity and false thinking is called ‘stilling thought’ and ‘thought cultivation.’ Someone may say, “If thoughts are stilled until they are no more, then how can thought be cultivated?” Actually, you could say that this kind of thought seems to exist and yet doesn't. It does not necessarily exist or not exist. Then what is it? It refers to investigating Chan. And what are we investigating? We investigate thought cultivation.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

上一篇:认识本来的面目 Recognizing our original face
下一篇:初步参禅的方法 Basic Methods of Investigating Chan
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