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一个不能没有的东西 Something that does not cease to exist
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Something that does not cease to exist


The Japanese investigate ‘nonexistence’. I'll teach you to investigate ‘existence’. There is no fixed dharma. It is not easy to answer the topic, “Who is mindful of the Buddha?” There are people who investigate this topic but cannot find the answer for years. And those who investigate, “What was my original face before my parents gave birth to me?” are not always successful. The Japanese who investigate “nonexistence, nonexistence, nonexistence” are not always successful either. I will teach you now to investigate ‘existence’. This does not just mean repeating, “Existence! Existence! Existence!” Then what should you do? Everything in this world can cease to exist. Is there something that cannot cease? You should investigate this. When everything else is gone, what ultimately is left? Look for that which still exists. Everything can end or be annihilated. Then what cannot be annihilated? You will be enlightened when you find this one ‘thing’ that cannot be annihilated. You will also be enlightened if you can find that something that does not cease, or the original face before your parents gave birth to you, or who is mindful of the Buddha. But it must be a genuine attainment. Some people fake a breakthrough and simply talk intellectual Chan. That is useless. You cannot use what people have used before. It is not your own.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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