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有很多话头可以参 There are many Chan topics that can be investigated
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There are many Chan topics that can be investigated


There are many Chan topics that can be investigated. The Japanese investigate nonexistence. They look into that idea. The Chinese investigate, “Who is mindful of the Buddha?” Some people investigate, “What was my original face before my parents gave birth to me?” or “What is nothingness like?” You can use whichever topic you prefer. There is a saying: “Sitting for a long time, one attains Chan. Staying in the same place long enough, one develops affinities. You must be patient and not be edgy or impatient, overcome by greed for quick results. We should dedicate our time and effort, progressing bit by bit each day in our cultivation. Do not expect to succeed instantly. You must continue to put in effort and endure pain in the legs. To end the cycle of birth and death is not a small matter. You must have genuine patience.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

上一篇:一个不能没有的东西 Something that does not cease to exist
下一篇:什么是参话头? What does it mean to investigate the Chan topic?
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