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金塔?银塔?泥巴? Golden Pagoda? Silver Pagoda? Mud?
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Golden Pagoda? Silver Pagoda? Mud?


Notice that all Buddhas sit in full lotus posture. If you can achieve that, you already have inconceivable merit and virtue. The beings of the eightfold division will all come to protect you, and the demon kings will leave you alone. If you cannot stand the pain or if your legs are as stiff as metal and there is no way for you to sit in full lotus, you may choose to sit in half lotus but it will not be as easy to achieve samadhi. I have told all of you of the case when the ghosts met the Chan Master. Full lotus is likened to a golden pagoda. Half lotus is likened to a silver pagoda. Sitting normally with legs crossed is like a lump of mud.


When meditating, first adjust your trousers by giving a little tug upwards to give yourself more room to sit down and be more comfortable. Once you are in full lotus, be sure to cover your legs with your robes or with a blanket. Make sure they are covered well. When sitting in meditation, be sure that your legs are not cold. Not only will you feel pain if there is coldness, but later you will hardly be able to move your legs! That is why you need to cover your legs. I once saw somebody covering his head as well. That is wrong. In fact the upper part of the body should not be wrapped up in a blanket--only the legs should be covered.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

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