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行住坐卧不离禅 Whether moving or still, awake or asleep, do not leave Chan behind
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Whether moving or still, awake or asleep, do not leave Chan behind


Some people investigate, “Who is mindful of the Buddha?” Some recite the Six Syllable Great Bright Mantra. In short, these are training your mind to be honest and to be mindful of cultivation. You must remain continuously mindful of cultivation and of investigating Chan. I would like to tell you a four-line verse so everyone can investigate Chan according to its meaning.

Moving or still, awake or asleep,Do not let go of it.

Do not stray from the thought of Chan investigation.

Once you let go of it, You will miss it right in front of you.

If you wander away from this thought, you will face the Buddha and fail to recognize him – even when he is with you in person. Therefore, no one should miss the time for investigating Chan. “Moving or still, awake or asleep, / Do not let go of it. / Once you let go of it, / You will miss it right in front of you.” So, apply your effort well. I hope some of you will be enlightened.


{返回 初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan 文集}

上一篇:参跟求有什么分别? What is the difference between investigating and seeking?
下一篇:要你自己去找 You must find it yourself
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