Advantages of Meditation
The posture in which you meditate is very important. In Japanese monasteries, they have very good meditation postures. This is something we lacked. As I am not too particular about appearances, everyone did not pay particular attention to this. It is best to sit in full lotus posture during meditation. This can subdue the demons and followers of external paths. When the demons see you as a sincere cultivator, they will be behave. The followers of external paths cannot accomplish this, and they will be scared. On one hand, it is easy to enter samadhi. On the other, your legs really hurt.
When sitting in meditation, your eyes should contemplate the nose, the nose contemplates the mouth, and the mouth contemplates the mind. There are no eyes on the nose and mouth! Well, if you succeed, you will have eyes all over your body and every pore will have countless eyes. When you see things, you need not use this pair of flesh eyes. Your whole body will become like a radar. If you succeed in cultivation, in the future you will experience such phenomena. For now, you have just begun to apply effort; you have not even taken a single step yet, but have just made a start.