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自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第三篇 障碍及解决之道 Part Three Obstacles and Solutions 总结重点 Summary
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If there is strain, dizziness, giddiness or suffocation, we should do the movements gently. Do not concentrate. Do it with ease, look far away, then the uncomfortable feelings will loosen by themselves.The solving method of Jintańāna is the same.


Vipassanu and Jintańāna must be solved by correcting the technique. Do not review the Objects of Insight.


In the case of Vipallāsa, we must review the Objects of Insight (Paramattha Objects). Practice with ease. When the Objects are clear, the strain will gradually decrease.


Let thoughts arise, do not suppress them.


When you practice, you must take care of yourself. Do not expect other people to take care of you. When anything that is not normal arises, you must stop practicing immediately. The abnormal state will gradually decrease by itself.

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