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自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第一篇 培养自觉 Self-Awareness 往返经行 Walking back and forth (Cankama Walking)
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Walking back and forth (Cankama Walking)


After sitting for a long time, which may cause pains and aches, we can change the position to the walking back and forth. After walking for a long time, we can change to the sitting posture.



This is called changing the positions; sitting, lying, standing, walking. You should allot them properly.


Do not move the arms while walking. We should fold the arms across the chest, or clasp the hands behind the back.


While you are walking back and forth, be aware of the feeling or the feet. It is not necessary to say to yourself, “right foot moves”, “left foot moves”.

当往返经行时,你应觉知脚的动作。 没有必要自语「右脚动」、「左脚动」。

Do not walk too fast or too slow, walk naturally.


Be aware while you are walking. If you walk without self-awareness, it is useless.


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上一篇:自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第一篇 培养自觉 Self-Awareness 日常生活中培养自觉 Cultivating Self-awareness in Daily Life
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