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自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第一篇 培养自觉 Self-Awareness 日常生活中培养自觉 Cultivating Self-awareness in Daily Life
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Cultivating Self-awareness in Daily Life


To cultivate self-awareness, we must practice as much as possible. We can practice even when we get in a car or on a bus.


While we are sitting on a bus or in a car, we lay our hand on the thigh and turn the palm up and down, or we run the thumb over the fingertip, or we make a fist and open it repeatedly. Do it slowly and be aware.


Wherever or whenever you practice, take it easy like playing. Only move one hand at a time, do not move both hands at the same time. If you move the right hand, do not move the left hand. If you move the left hand, do not move the right hand.


Someone might say, “I am very busy. I do not have time to practice” or “I cannot do it, I am not pure enough.” These are excuses.


If we intend to so something, we can find time to do it. Whatever we do, be aware. For example, if you are a teacher, when you pick up a pen, pick it up with awareness. While you are writing, be aware.


This is the natural way of cultivating self-awareness, learning Dhamma with nature.


While you are having a meal: pick up the spoon, be aware; take the food into your mouth, be aware. While you are chewing food, be aware; swallowing food, be aware.


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上一篇:自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第一篇 培养自觉 Self-Awareness 持续练习如环链 Practice Continuously Like a Chain
下一篇:自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第一篇 培养自觉 Self-Awareness 往返经行 Walking back and forth (Cankama Walking)
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 自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第三篇 障..
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