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203.参云岗石佛 Visiting the Stone Buddhas at Yun Kang
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Visiting the Stone Buddhas at Yun Kang

The Master responded to the invitation of Dharma Master Nan T'ung (Penetration to the South) to head another Dharma assembly at Lang Shan (Wolf Mountain) Monastery, where several thousand people from all over took refuge. He returned to Shanghai in the third lunar month, and the next month received a telegram from Peking requesting his presence in the Capital. The Master arrived and stayed at Kuang Chi (Extensive Aid) Monastery. Representatives of various Buddhist groups also were present, and the Chinese Buddhist Association was officially inaugurated. After a plenary meeting in which important policies were decided, the Master went to Ta T'ung in Shanhsi Province and bowed to the large stone Buddhas in the stone grottos at Yun Kang. They were quite imposing and magnificently carved.

The gatha says:
The Buddhas at the Yun Kang (Cloud Ridge) Caves are skillfully and finely made.
They are known throughout the world and acclaimed for their inspiring grandeur.
Our Master Yun especially made a pilgrimage to bow there.
Conducting himself as an exemplar of the rule, he never wasted a moment.

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上一篇:204.念祖公重建古刹 Mindful of the Patriarchs merit, reestablishing an ancient shrine
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