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204.念祖公重建古刹 Mindful of the Patriarchs merit, reestablishing an ancient shrine
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Mindful of the Patriarch's merit, reestablishing an ancient shrine

After leaving the capital, the Master traveled to Wu Ch'ang, where Dharma Master Yuan Ch'eng (Source Formation) invited him to head a two-week Ch'an meditation session in Pao T'ung (Jeweled Penetration) Monastery. When it was over, the Master visited Lu Shan Mountain, staying in Tung Lin (Eastern Grove) Monastery. In the sixth lunar month, several Dhyana monks from Yun (Cloud Abode) Mountain in Yung Hsiu came to bow in reverence to the Master. They told him that, during the invasion, the Japanese had burned and destroyed Chen Ju (True Suchness) Monastery, leaving only a bronze image of Vairochana Buddha majestically sitting amidst the waste of ashes and overgrown grass. The Master sadly recalled how, during the Yuan Ho Reign of the T'ang Dynasty (806 A.D.), the Patriarch Tao Jung (Acceptance of the Way) had established the monastic community there. So the Master craftsman of Buddhism undertook yet another renovation.

The gatha says:
The Master Yun dwelt on Yun Chu34 Mountain at Chen Ju35
The compassion of his lucid samadhi was like a mothers deep concern,
As he once again vowed to restore the Patriarch's Bodhimanda.
The practice and vows of a Bodhisattva never end!

34. Cloud Adobe
35. True Suchness Monastery

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 大方广佛华严经讲记 第二0八三卷[栏目:大方广佛华严经讲记·第二十一集]



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