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201.皈依供众名刹僧 Accepting a collective offering made by those taking refuge for the Sangha and for the preservation of ancie
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Accepting a collective offering made by those taking refuge for the Sangha and for the preservation of ancient shrines

More than forty thousand people took refuge during the Dharma Assembly, coming thousands of miles from every province all over the country. Ten divisions were formed so that people could register and subscriptions be entered. The Master refused to accept any offerings himself, and all the donations were turned over to the leaders of the Dharma Assembly, who in turn allocated the funds to the four famous shrines for the benefit of all, namely: P'u T'ou Mountain, Wu T'ai Mountain, Chiu Hua (Nine Flower) Mountain, and O-Mei Mountain, in addition to eight well-known holy sites:
T'ien T'ung (Heavenly Youth), Yu Wang (King Ashoka), Kao Mm, Ling Yen (Magic Grotto), Yung Ch'uan (Bubbling Spring), Kuan Tsung (School of Contemplation), Ch'i T'a (Seven Stupas), and Ti Tsang (Earth Store), among other ancient Bodhimandas.

The gatha says:
Liberal gifts can help relieve the masses.
Confucius said that only a Sage could make that happen.
Making offerings to ancient holy shrines,
Creates merit that flows ever-fresh.

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