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207.大般涅槃证无生 His Parinirvana: certification to non production
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His Parinirvana: Certification to Non-Production

On the twelfth day of the ninth lunar month, he knew that the time had come. The Master instructed his successors to earnestly and vigorously apply themselves to the cultivation of precepts, samadhi, and wisdom, in order to counteract greed, anger, and stupidity. Telling them to forget themselves for the sake of the Dharma and to mutually cherish and respect one another, he then spoke the following gathas:

A shrimp on land, covered with ants, does not jump back into the water.
As I wish to make water creatures happy, toss me into the river.
I would be pleased if they would receive my body as an offering,
So that together they'll be certified to Bodhi and save living beings.

※    ※    ※    ※

Companions and friends in the Dharma, please do not worry, set your minds at ease.
Life and death arise from karma just as the silkworm is trapped in its own cocoon.
If you do not lessen greed and confusion, then you are imprisoned by worry and joy,
If you want to get out of this tribulation, work very hard at our own cultivation.
Wonderfully mesh with non-production; with bright understanding, penetrate to the mind-ground.
Cutting off feelings of love and of hate, Escape from the wheel before it's too late.
The triple non-outflow study must be attained36, And the Four Applications of Mindfulness strictly maintained.37
Vow to protect the precepts, too, Even though all is illusory lightning and dew.
Be certified as enlightened to true emptiness, and the ten thousand dharmas' oneness.
The sorrow and joy of coming and going, are just causes flowing, like bubbles shifting on water.

After my death, have my body cremated. Take the ashes of my bones and grind them into a fine powder. Add oil, sugar, flour, and mix. Please form them into pellets and deposit them in the rivers as an offering for the creatures therein. This will fulfill my vow, and towards all of you I will feel unlimited gratitude.

Hsu Yun, one who repays his debts,
bows in reverence.

※    ※    ※    ※

The Master entered Nirvana on the day Wu Ch'en of the month of Chia Hsu, in the year Chi Hai38, between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.

The gatha says:
After one hundred and twenty years, he entered Parinirvana.
For thousands of years into the future, Please, under all circumstances,
 come again to save those in the Saha.
All sentient beings together raise up their heads in admiration;
None of the masses could have enough of gazing up at him.
May the Master fulfill the multitude's wishes!

36. Precepts, samadhi, and wisdom.
37. Four Application of Mindfulness: a) to contemplate the body as impure; b) to contemplate feelings as suffering; c) to contemplate thoughts as impermanent; d) to contemplate dharmas as being devoid o f self.
38. October 13, 1959

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