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202.苏杭法会重重 Hosting Dharma Assemblies at Su Chou and Hang Chou one after another
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Hosting Dharma Assemblies at Su Chou and Hang Chou one after another

In 1953, at one-hundred-and-fourteen years of age, the Master began a two-week meditation session on the ninth day of the first lunar month at Yu Fo (Jade Buddha) Monastery. Upon its conclusion, the Hang Chou Buddhist Group sent Tu Wei to invite the Master to go to Hang Chou and take charge of a Dharma assembly. He accepted and stayed at Ching Tzu (Pure Kindness) Monastery, where several thousand people took refuge. Again, the Master responded to a request by Dharma Master Miao Chen (Wonderful Truth) that he hold a Dharma assembly. When it was over, the Master proceeded to Hu Ch'iu (Tiger Mountain), and bowed to the stupa of Patriarch Shao Lung. Seeing that it had been desecrated, he saw to its reconstruction, and it again became a famous site.

The gatha says:
When affairs in Hang Chou were completed the Master went to Ku Su,
Conducting Dharma assemblies one after another, never stopping to rest.
At Hu Ch'iu he once again bowed to the Stupa of Patriach Shao Lung
 (Propagate and Glorify).
It had been destroyed, hut he now rebuilt it to last for a thousand seasons.

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