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205.云居结茆而居 Staying in a shack on Yun Chu Mountain
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Staying in a shack on Yun Chu Mountain

On the fifth day of the seventh lunar month, the Master arrived at Yun Chu (Cloud Abode) Mountain, and stayed in a cow shed. During the ninth lunar month, several left-home disciples from Canton arrived among the more than fifty monks from all over the country. By the tenth lunar month, word had spread far and wide, and monks arrived in large numbers. They ate twice a day and were fortunate enough to receive a donation from Upasaka Chien Yu Chieh. In 1954, the Master was one-hundred-and-fifteen and was in the process of repairing several dwelling quarters, the Dharma Hall, and the Main Hall of the monastery complex. In the eleventh lunar month, his cow shed burned down, but he had it rebuilt and remained living there. A meditation session was then held.

The gatha says:
Living peacefully in a shack, the ground of his mind was vast.
Sitting full lotus on an ancient rock, his faculties expanded.
The Master Yun had reached the point where he had put down everything;
Even though he never rested. still, he took a rest.

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