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206.示现病相卧吉祥 Becoming ill and assuming the auspicious resting posture
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Becoming ill and assuming the auspicious resting posture

In 1955, the Master, at one-hundred-and-sixteen, had completed the Accumulation of Fragrance Kitchen, the Five Contemplations Hall, and other construction projects, and held another meditation session. In the next year, the Master's one-hundred-and-seventeenth, he wrote a letter to the composer of this book, asking the latter to return to Yun Chu which, however, was impossible. The Great Hall and the Hall of the Heavenly Kings were completed, in addition to other monastery buildings, and Dharma Master Hai Teng (Sea Lamp) became Abbot. The Master continued to lecture Sutras and held a two-week meditation session. In 1957, when the Master was one hundred and eighteen, all of the work was completed, and more than one hundred Buddha images were cast. The Master continued to lecture the Sutras and held a three-week meditation session. There were now more than two hundred monks living at the monastery. At one-hundred and nineteen, in 1958, the Master was aided in the establishment of the Hai Hui (Sea-vast Assembly) Stupa by Chan Li Wu. In 1959, the Master's age was one-hundred-and-twenty, and he became ill during the summer and fall.

It is said:
"His teaching ended, he put it all down and returned."

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