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The Buddha and Women
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The Buddha and Women

The Buddha raised the status of women and brought them to a realization of their importance to society. He did not humiliate women, but only regarded them as weak by nature. He saw the innate good of both men and women and assigned to them their due place in His Teaching. Sex is no obstacle to attaining Sainthood.

Sometimes the Pali term used to denote woman is "Matugama", which means ‘mother-folk’, or ‘society of mothers’. As a mother, woman holds an honorable place in Buddhism. The wife is regarded as ‘the best friend’ (paramasakha) or the husband.

Although at first the Buddha refused to admit women into the Order, yet later He was persuaded by the entreaties of the Venerable Ánanda and founded the Order of Bhikkhunis (Nuns). Just as the Arahants Sariputta and Moggallana were made the two chief disciples in the Order of Monks, even so the Arahants Khema and Uppalavanna were made the two chief female disciples in the Order of Nuns. Many other female disciples too were named by the Buddha Himself as amongst His most distinguished and devout followers.

Women were placed under unfavorable circumstances before the advent of the Buddha, and this new Order was certainly a great Blessing.

In this Order queens, princesses, daughters of noble families, widows, bereaved mothers, help-less women, courtesans - all despite their caste or rank - met on a common platform, enjoyed perfect consolation and peace, and breathed that free atmosphere which is denied to those confined in cottages and palatial mansions. Many who otherwise would have fallen into oblivion distinguished themselves in various ways and gained their emancipation by seeking refuge in the Order.

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