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化一个坐具之地 To Seek a Sitting Cloths Worth of Ground
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To Seek a Sitting Cloth's Worth of Ground
摘录自六祖坛经浅释 Excerpted from the Sixth Patriarch's Sutra
The Sixth Patriarch said:This Old Monk comes to seek a sitting cloth's worth of ground. Can you give it?
Yaxian Chen asked, "How big is your sitting cloth?"  
When the Sixth Patriarch arrived at Baolin (Precious Forest) in Caoxi (Cao Creek), he saw that the few buildings that were there were dilapidated and insufficient to contain the multitude. Wishing to enlarge them, he paid a visit to the villager Yaxian Chen, who lived near Nanhua Monastery, and said, "This Old Monk comes to seek a sitting cloth's worth of ground. Can you give it?"
Yaxian Chen asked, "How big is your sitting cloth?"
The Great Master showed his sitting cloth to Yaxian Chen, who said, "If you only want that large a piece of land, fine."
The Great Master said, "Yes, I only want that much land." But when he spread it out, the sitting cloth covered all the area around Nanhua Monastery. I don't know how exactly much land it was, but in any case, the Four Heavenly Kings appeared and stood guard in each of the four directions.
When Yaxian Chen saw this, he said, "I know that the High Master's Dharma power is great. However, the burial ground of my great-great grandfather lies on this land. In the future, if you build a stupa or temple here, I hope that this area will remain undisturbed. As for the rest, I wish to give it all to you."
Having lectured to this point, I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on this. The Sixth Patriarch asked for a sitting cloth's worth of ground, and later his sitting cloth expanded to cover the land on all four sides. Isn't that a bit like cheating? It's said that Earth Store Bodhisattva obtained the Jiuhua mountain range in the same way. The way these Buddhist Patriarchs and Bodhisattvas playfully roam through the world seems a bit like gambling--they say one thing, but then it turns out another way. I can hardly agree with their use of Dharma powers. I wonder what everyone else thinks about this. Let's all look into this together. Whoever has an opinion can bring it up. Why is it that a Patriarch or a Bodhisattva can ask for a sitting cloth's worth of ground and then open up his sitting cloth and have it cover so much land? Let's investigate this question together. In Buddhism, should we spread rumors and make things sound more and more mystical? None of you should act as if this doesn't concern you. If you have something to say, speak up. Now is not the time to enter samadhi!
Disciple: Maybe the Sixth Patriarch had affinities with Yaxian Chen and wanted to give him an opportunity to give. If he gave a large piece of land, then he would have a lot of merit and virtue. He wanted to help Yaxian Chen create great merit and virtue.
Venerable Master: If I gave you an opportunity to plant blessings now, would you plant them?
Disciple: Yes, thank you, I would.
Venerable Master: Who else has an opinion? Hurry and speak! Don't wait for me to call on you. We're in a democratic country, and people can say whatever they want. There are no restrictions. Use your wisdom to speak about true principle.
The problem is that when the Sixth Patriarch asked for land from Yaxian Chen, he took out his sitting cloth and asked for only enough ground to sit on. As a left-home person (a monk), he should not lie. Yet when he opened the sitting cloth, it covered not only Nanhua Monastery, but all the land within ten miles of where they stood. And it's said that the Four Heavenly Kings appeared and stood guard in each of the four directions. People say that when Earth Store Bodhisattva asked for land from Lord Wen, he also opened his sitting cloth, and it covered the entire Jiuhua mountain range. Basically, as you can see, the sitting cloth is not very large--not even ten square feet. Yet when he opened it, it covered an area of several tens of miles. In my opinion, a Patriarch should not tell such a blatant lie. What are your opinions?
Earlier the layman said that the Sixth Patriarch probably had affinities with Yaxian Chen and wanted him to plant a lot of blessings, and that was why he asked for such a great gift of land. I responded by saying I wanted to ask for a small gift from him, and I asked him whether he was willing to plant blessings. He said he would. Now how great are the blessings he planted? I don't know. But it won't be as great an area as the Sixth Patriarch covered with his sitting cloth. The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is nearly five hundred acres, which is not a small place. But I don't have that kind of power, and I don't have a sitting cloth that can cover so much area, so what do you think I should do?

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