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The Four Modes Of Birth
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The Four Modes Of Birth

The four Modes of Births are:

1. Egg-born creatures - Andaja, such as birds, snakes, etc.

2. Womb-born creatures - Jalabuja. All human beings, some earth-bound deities, and those animals that take their conception in mother’s womb, belong to this class.

3. Moisture-born creatures - Samsedaja, such as certain insects that take moisture as material for their growth.

4. Creatures having spontaneous births - Opapatika. They are generally invisible to the naked eye. Conditioned by past they appear suddenly, independent of parents. Brahmas, Devas of heavenly realms, Petas, and miserable ones who are subject to torments and sufferings in states of woe - Niraya are included in this class.

There are 31 Planes of Existence. They are:

(A) The Four States of Unhappiness - Duggati, viz.,

1. Niraya - woeful states, which are temporary, but not everlasting.

2. Tiracchana Yoni - the animal Kingdom.

3. Peta Yoni - the plane of Petas or ghost-beings.

4. Asura Yoni - the plane of Asura demons.

(B) The Seven Happy States - Sugati, viz.,

1. Manussa - the realm of human beings.

2. 6 Devalokas - heavenly realms.

3. 16 Rupalokas- Realms of Form.

4. 4 Arupalokas- Formless Realms.

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