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梦影 Dream Glimpse
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Dream Glimpse


Those who live on a desolate mountainside yearn for the big city with its incessant stream of people, cars, and activities. While I myself, having been in the city for a long time, miss the quiet and peaceful life in the mountains.


What you dream at night is what you think during the day. Turning off the desk lamp, I closed my eyes, soon I fell fast asleep.


In my dream I was living in a quiet mountain cave that was simple and tidy inside. Outside the cave, there were big trees and beautiful flowers; eagles soared in the sky along with the gentle breezes; squirrels scurried around as if playing with the running brooks; gesang flowers brimmed with colors in bright sunlight and the crystalline dew drops dripped from the tips of tree leaves in morning mist… Here I led a carefree life, like an innocent child.


Days passed by quickly and quietly. One day, a little monkey appeared in front of me. I quickly took out my best food to treat it, my only guest. After the meal, the monkey somehow was unwilling to leave. Perhaps it had been separated from its mother, or a hunter had captured its mother…. Anyway, I had no other choice but to adopt this poor little fellow.


Taking a lot of patience, I trained it how to prostrate, make offerings of water, burn incense, and so on. When I was reading books, reciting sutra or chanting, it played quietly nearby and did not make trouble. On rare occasions when it acted up and I shooed it away, it would behave itself immediately and start prostration. We ate the rice cooked from the same pot and lay on the same big flat rock during breaks. Wherever I went, we were always together. The monkey brought a lot of joy to my life as a practitioner and it never disturbed my peaceful mind.


One day, I had to walk down to the foot of the mountain to bring back food. I ordered the monkey to stay behind to watch the little hermitage, which really did not need to be watched after. It looked at me gloomily and settled reluctantly on the stone slab by the door. As I walked some distance away I looked back, its lonely tiny figure was still there…


All of a sudden, I woke up. Everything was gone. Nowhere was the cave or the little monkey. Worrying about the poor little monkey in need of care and missing the tranquil life in the cave, I tried hard to journey back to my dream, but to no avail whatsoever.


The Great Biography of Buddha Shakyamuni tells a story: Someone kept an elephant while doing practices in a secluded place. The God Indra was displeased and reprimanded him sternly for that. Therefore, it seems inappropriate for spiritual practitioners to keep pets. But somehow I still miss the monkey in my dream intensely. Perhaps it is still waiting for me earnestly!


16th of April, Year of RenWu
May 27, 2002

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