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31.因为是果如是 Thus is the cause; thus is the effect
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Thus is the cause; thus is the effect

On P'u T'o Island, the Master extensively visited monasteries and temples. During the tenth month of that year, the tide washed up a huge fish, which was left in the sand a thousand paces from the water's edge. It was hundreds of feet long, its eyes being as large as tubs. The fishermen cut open its belly to reveal two small wooden boats. There were also a number of hair ornaments among other personal effects. The fish used to terrorize the sea coast, harming all creatures in sight. As a retribution for its misdeeds, it was washed ashore by the tide. Perhaps this was a gesture by the dragon king to serve as a warning to would-be offenders.

The verse says:
Receiving the Horse Feed and Spear retributions, even the Buddha was thus repaid.
Our Master Yun encountered a fish fraught with edifying mystery.
Such is the cause, such is the effect, such is the retribution.
The celestial net, all-embracing, spreads forth impartially.

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