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87.仰光朝大金塔 Paying homage to the Great Golden Stupa in Rangoon
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渡锡兰朝圣地后。即附船至缅甸。朝大金塔。此塔在佛教历史上占重要地位。世界各国闻名佛教徒朝礼者颇多。至摩罗缅吉帝利。有一巨石至奇。传为目莲尊者安置。朝礼者亦甚 众。 


Paying homage to the Great Golden Stupa in Rangoon

 After visiting the holy places on his way across Sri Lanka, the Master took a boat to Burma to visit the Golden Stupa. This particular stupa holds a very important place in Buddha history. Many Buddhists of various countries throughout the world have heard about it and have made pilgrimage there. Arriving at Chi Ti Li, in Mwo Luo Mien, the Master saw the very strange boulder placed there by the Buddha's disciple Mahamaudgalyayana. There were also many other people making pilgrimage to this spot.

The verse says:
The Buddhist city of Rangoon is praised by the people of various lands.
The Golden Stupa is lofty and high and the towers into the azure sky.
Pilgrims from various countries come and pay their respects to the shrine.
With flowers and incense as offering, they bow to the valiant Buddha.

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