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151.根源协统毁佛寺 Facing danger when Commander Ken Yuan begins to destroy Buddhist Monasteries
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Facing danger when Commander Ken Yuan begins to destroy Buddhist Monasteries

The Chinese Revolution started in 1911, and the last Manchu Emperor, Hsuan T'ung, abdicated the throne. Everywhere monasteries and temples were laid waste, images were destroyed, and members of the Sangha were expelled. The Yunnan Provincial Commander, Li Ken Yuan, led his infantry troops in the destruction of monasteries and statues, murdering bhikshus and butchering bhikshunis. That the Master, a poor monk, could profoundly win the heart of the common multitude and be venerated and protected by them, seemed very strange to Li. So, the commander ordered his arrest. A catastrophe was imminent - dangerous indeed!

The gatha says:
All the monks of the monasteries fled, but the Master did not do so.
From one's own karmic retribution how can one escape?
To sacrifice one's body for the Buddha is a bhikshu's aspiration.
The masses took delight in complying with him and willingly suffered hardships.

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