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当前栏目:[A Manual Of Buddhism]文集

 A Manual Of Buddhism - About This Book - Contents 阅读:2007
 The Life Of The Buddha - The Birth 阅读:1727
 The Naming Ceremony 阅读:1566
 The Plowing Festival 阅读:1598
 Prince Siddhattha’s Youth 阅读:1581
 Renunciation 阅读:1738
 The Search 阅读:1766
 His Struggle For Enlightenment 阅读:1711
 Temptation Of Mara The Evil One 阅读:1623
 The Middle Path 阅读:1600
 The Enlightenment 阅读:1666
 A Paean of Joy - Udana Gatha 阅读:1814
 The Seven Weeks after the Enlightenment 阅读:1693
 The First Two Converts 阅读:1609
 Invitation To Teach The Dhamma 阅读:1710
 On the Way to Benares to Teach the Dhamma 阅读:1807
 The Five Monks 阅读:1595
 Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta 阅读:1871
 The Conversion Of Yasa 阅读:1650
 Exhortation to the First Missioners 阅读:1584

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