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164.双鹅念佛往生 Giving refuge to two geese, that, mindful of the Buddha, go off to rebirth
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Two Geese, mindful of the Buddha, go off to rebirth

The Master was eighty-one in 1920, and Governor T'ang invited him to stay in Hua T'ing (Flower Pavilion) Monastery. Later, T'ang went to Hong Kong. One day Chang Ch'ou Hsien brought a pair of geese, one male and one female, to be set free at Yun Ch'i (Cloud Abode) Monastery. He requested the Master speak the refuges for them. The geese lowered their heads and quietly listened, and after the precepts were explained, they appeared happy. For the subsequent three years, they followed along with the assembly during the ceremonies, Sutra recitation, and circumambulating of the Buddha. Then one day, the female goose walked around the Buddhas to the right three times, stood up straight and left her body. It was not long after that the male followed along. At death, their feathers did not wilt, but remained fresh. The geese were placed in small wooden boxes, and buried.

The gatha says:
Every single living being has the Buddha nature.
In hundreds of thousands of different samadhis they are certified to enlightenment.
The source of the ten thousand things is but a single substance.
To be devoid of self in the three phases of time is to gain complete self-mastery.

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