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见解是囚牢 Views Are Prison
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Views Are Prison

下一个囚牢是我们自己的见解( ditthi ),巴利文 ditthi 这个字很难翻译。举凡我们个人的知识、思想、观念、看法、信仰、认知,所有这些都可以说是 ditthi 。它不只是某些观念或信念,而是指个人全部的思想和见解。我们被自己的见解所形成的囚牢给逮捕了,除了自己的见解外,我们无法听从任何人,这真是一座最恐怖的囚牢!因为我们冲动、卤莽、急促地顺著个人的见解前进,而丧失了原先应得的利益。因此,这些见解变成一座囚牢紧紧抓住我们,把我们锁入那个只有单向认知方式的囚牢中。对于这种自我见解的囚牢,务必小心啊!

The next prison is our own ditthi. The Pali word ditthi is difficult to translate. Knowledge, thoughts, ideas, theories, opinions, beliefs, understanding -- all these are ditthi. Ditthi means all our personal thoughts, opinions, theories, and beliefs. It isn't just certain opinions and little beliefs, it's all of them, all views. Everything with which we view experience is called ditthi. We are caught in a prison of our own views. We don't obey anyone except our personal ditthi. This is a most terrifying prison, because we impetuously, rashly, hastily sail along according to our own personal views. We turn our backs on and lose out to the things that ought to benefit us, because our minds are closed to everything but our own ideas, beliefs, and views. Thus, these views become a horrible prison that holds us and locks us into just one way of understanding. Beware of the prison of one's own ditthi.

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