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 星云大师《佛光菜根谭之启示篇》 阅读:2860
 星云大师《佛光菜根谭之人和篇》 阅读:1968
 星云大师《佛光菜根谭之生活篇》 阅读:1969
 星云大师《佛光菜根谭之修行篇》 阅读:1623
 星云大师《佛光菜根谭之自在篇》 阅读:2800
 众善奉行——佛教思想与企业的和谐发展 To Do the Wholesome:Buddhist Thought and Enterprise’s Harmonious Development 阅读:2143
 正定初阶 The Basic Method of Meditation 阅读:2611
 十六观智 Progress of Insight - 见清净 Purification of View 阅读:2301
 佛陀教你幸福:I want happiness! 阅读:2075
 概念法与究竟真实法 Concept and Reality 阅读:1913
 双语版素文化婚礼 Buddhist Wedding Ceremony 阅读:2591
 观测心中的太空 Observing The Space Of The Mind 阅读:1888
 法界唯心造 The Dharma Realm Is Made from the Mind Alone 阅读:1926
 妖怪出世 Monsters Appearing in the World 阅读:1656
 寂静法师:信心的力量 Master Jijing: The power of faith 阅读:2104
 十方佛土中 唯有一乘法 In the Buddhalands of the ten directions,There is only the Dharma of One Vehicle 阅读:1815
 正法眼藏 Correct Dharma and Eye-treasury 阅读:2418
 念佛人有一百种果报 The People Who are Chanting Buddha Have One Hundred Kinds of Retributions 阅读:1823
 佛光菜根谭 Fo Guang Cai Gen tan 阅读:9038
 呼吸 Breathing In, Breathing Out 阅读:2160

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