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当前栏目:[佛教文章·中英文双语阅读 Buddhist Article · Bilingual Reading]文集

 佛教是一种教育,不是宗教 Buddhism is an Education, Not a Religion 阅读:3174
 禅定中佛教僧侣的脑部扫描研究 Brains of Buddhist monks scanned in meditation study 阅读:2791
 一条归家之路 A Way Home 阅读:2286
 无畏的施与舍 Giving and Giving Up Fearlessly 阅读:2539
 达摩祖师生死谜 Patriarch Bodhidharma And The Mystery Of His Life And Death 阅读:4459
 一门深入 Deeply Entering One Door 阅读:2212
 人生一场梦 Life Is But a Dream 阅读:3156
 话说大悲咒 The Great Compassion Mantra 阅读:4779
 素食就是尊重生命 Eating A Vegetarian Diet Lends Dignity To All Life 阅读:2864
 试论绝对的真理 Discussions on the Absolute Truth 阅读:2378
 精进佛七与金刚经 The Vigorous Recitation Session and the Vajra Sutra 阅读:2644
 万佛圣城南传禅七期间阿摩罗比丘 Sanghapala Vipassana Retreat at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas 阅读:2332
 佛法 世间法 Buddha Dharma Worldly Dharma 阅读:3436
 拜万佛忏感言 Reflections on the Ten Thousand Buddhas Repentance Dharma Assembly 阅读:4051
 什么是禅修正确的态度 What Is The Right Attitude For Meditation 阅读:2828

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