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内观 Reflecting Inward
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Reflecting Inward


Longchenpa, the embodiment of the Buddhas of three times, says in A Treatise on Finding Comfort and Ease in the Nature of the Mind:

In brief, one should first realize the luminosity of the mind’s nature and its changeless essence, and moreover, see all phenomena are mere provisional concepts and thus empty in nature. Then, by practicing on the path ardently, one can completely transform or purify the impure phenomena arising from the confused mind of false perceptions, thus approach the primordial state, and perfectly accomplish pure land as the mandala of ornament of the inexhaustible body, speech, and mind. This is the crux of all Dharma teachings.

This one instruction, in which the master has subsumed 84,000 teachings for future destined disciples; even the world’s best treasure cannot compare. How fortunate that we have now encountered it!


Turning the mind inward and remaining absorbed in this state constantly, the mind’s primordial luminosity will reveal itself. Otherwise, seized by dualistic grasping, one will become perverted and confused, “one produces two; two produces three; three produces all things.” Hauling on one’s shoulder life’s baggage—the toil for food and daily needs, love or hate, honor or disgrace, gain or loss, right or wrong, success or failure—is a sure way to make the gate of samsara’s throughway wide open.


The unconventional monk of the Tang Dynasty, Zen master Shi De, once said:

Not knowing the mind’s true nature, one seeks fame and wealth always.
Having gained fame and wealth, one appears careworn and haggard.
Not to mention those who failed in the game, wasted are their whole lives indeed.


Again the master, seeing that ordinary people are still oblivious to the Doctrines and labor painstakingly for minuscule gains, teaches:


Unmindful are worldly folks, immersed always in sensual pleasures.
Arising in my heart is compassion, when beholding these beings.
Worrying about their suffering, how can I not feel sad?


The master’s earnest compassion is palpable. But alas, as the saying goes,

Yearning for love, the flower on the bank sheds its petals,
Yet the heartless brook heeds not and babbles on.

No wonder the Zen master can only sigh deeply in vain!


May the master’s sincere guidance not dissipate into nothingness as time passes!


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