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看破 Becoming Disillusioned
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Becoming Disillusioned


This is a Buddhist Academy located in the suburb of a coastal city, at a good distance from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan area. It has exquisite surroundings and enjoys nice weather year-round. Among lush trees and vivid green fields, a winding brook babbles through the grass and over pebbles; nameless flowers bloom lavishly on vines and bushes, giving off subtle fragrances. Birds, chirping melodiously in the woods, fly through treetops and in no time reach the clouds. All these remind me of the blessed places where many siddhas of Tibetan Buddhism practiced. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a practitioner who has renounced the world builds his retreat hut right here?


When Lord Atisha was about to leave this world after he had completed his Dharma activities both in India and Tibet, a student yogi Cha Tsokche made his pledge: “Master, after you pass into nirvana, I will practice diligently.” The master was not pleased and answered: “I hope you will give up chores.” The student tried again. “Well then, should I teach?” The teacher responded the same way. Again, the student asked: “How about if I practice and teach at the same time?” The teacher gave the same answer as before. “Then, what should I do?” The master replied: “You should give up all the trivialities of this life.”


Bearing his teacher’s instruction firmly in his mind, Cha Tsokche cast away all worldly affairs and set off to a quiet wood in Redreng. The place was surrounded by rows of magnificent snow-capped mountains; numerous waterfalls from the melting snow rushed down among the boulders, nourishing the trees and meadows, and sustaining the harmonious birds and animals in the forest.


In the morning, the sun sent its warm light from atop the mountains, greeting the practitioner and his animal companions. In the evening, the wind blew gently and they retired into the dark night in profound silence. A cool and sparkling mountain spring provided him sweet drinks; fresh tasty wild fruits sustained him. He made contact with no one, nor did he care about any worldly activities. Persistently, he practiced until the end of his life and finally attained a level unreachable by ordinary people.


8th of January, Year of RenWu
February 20, 2002
Written at the secluded back side of the Minnan Buddhist Academy

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上一篇:政教 Religious Government
下一篇:少眠 Sleep Sparingly
 风灯 Flickering Candlelight
 言行 Words and Conduct
 看破 Becoming Disillusioned
 长久 Sustained Effort
 记住 Bear in Mind
 顶峰 The Summit
 梦影 Dream Glimpse
 修女 Missionary Nun
 魅力 Magic Power
 宗塔 Zong Ta
全文 标题
 慈航大师全集 菩提心影(四)杂俎篇 三五、儒教[栏目:慈航法师]
 净土大经科注 第一二八集[栏目:净土大经科注讲记·净空法师]



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