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当前栏目:[生命之囚 The Prison of Life]文集

 生命之囚 The Prison of Life 阅读:2161
 自囚牢中解放即是自由 Freedom is Salvation from Prison 阅读:2217
 佛教唯一的核心 The Single Essence of Buddhism 阅读:2339
 向内学习 Discover It Inside 阅读:1906
 生命本身是囚牢 Life Itself Is Prison 阅读:2254
 本能是囚牢 The Instincts Are Prison 阅读:1819
 六根是囚牢 The Senses Are Prison 阅读:1851
 迷信是囚牢 Superstition Is Prison 阅读:1812
 道场是囚牢 Sacred Institutions Are Prisons 阅读:1798
 师父是囚牢 Teachers Are Prison 阅读:1873
 神圣是囚牢 Holy Things Are Prison 阅读:1795
 善是囚牢 Goodness Is Prison 阅读:1901
 见解是囚牢 Views Are Prison 阅读:1870
 清净是至高无上的囚牢 Purity is the Highest Prison 阅读:1927
 拔除我执即是自囚牢中释放 Voidness is Not Prison 阅读:1972

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