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生命之囚 The Prison of Life
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The Prison of Life

(from a lecture given to foreign meditators on
10 February 2531 (1988) at Suan Mokkhabalarama.)



这场演讲虽然简短,但极具价值也相当切合实际,因为它直指佛教的核心──不执著。“执著”在各方面禁锢我们的生命,剥夺生命的自由,这些方面包括从执取生命本身、人性本能、六根反应、盲目信仰、道场、导师、神圣及见解等,乃至至高无上的善及清净。佛使尊者指出,除非人们能了解到我执( attavadupadana )是苦及心灵囚牢的起因,并致力断除它,否则将不可能达到所有宗教的共同目标──心灵的自在与解脱。人们可以透过学习像出入息念( anapanasati)这种修习止观的方法,从内在全然地了解生命,而达到心灵的释放,这种专注观呼吸的方法,就是佛陀在证悟前后所采用的一种方便、安全且极为有效的修持方法。

本书虽然没有详细描述这种禅修方法,但读者可以从佛使尊者的另一本著作《出入息念──揭开生命的奥秘》( Mindfulness with Breathing : Unveiling the Secretsof Life )中研习,这本书已由法隆解行基金会以泰文及英文出版。

值此书以英文版付梓之际, 本中心要感谢译者山帝卡罗比丘( Ven. SantikaroBhikkhu )及其他所有协助出版的人。



佛法解行中心( The Dhamma Study & Practice Group )



Today, we'll talk about the thing called "prison." This should help us to understand the thing called "life" better. Then, we'll know Dhamma better, which will help us to live life without dukkha (dissatisfaction, pain, stress, suffering). So today we'll talk about the thing called "prison." Please prepare your minds to listen carefully.

只要有囚牢状态的地方,便有苦( dukkha )的存在,大家应该可观察到各式各样的苦都含有囚牢的本质。苦的特征包括被系缚、监禁或锢上锁炼,以及历经各种困厄和纷争。

Wherever the conditions and signs of prison exist, right there is dukkha. You should observe that all the forms and types of dukkha have a quality of prison about them. Being captured, incarcerated, enchained, and put through difficulties and hassles, are characteristics of dukkha.

如果你懂得这些,就会更了解“执著”( upadana )的意义, 因为只要有执著,就会有囚牢。执著使人被监禁于囚牢中,成为“阶下囚”。

If you understand this, then you will understand more clearly the meaning of what we call "upadana" (clinging, attachment). Wherever there is upadana, right there is a prison. This thing "upadana" itself brings about the conditions of imprisonment.


Wherever there is upadana, right there is bondage. The bondage may be positive or negative; both are equally binding. By regarding things and clinging to them as "I" or "mine," bondage occurs. When bound to something, we get stuck in it, just like being stuck in prison.


All of the Dhamma principles of Buddhism can be summarized: upadana is the cause of dukkha; dukkha is born out of upadana. We all must understand this matter of upadana well. To make it easy to understand, we must see it clearly as being just like a prison -- a mental prison, a spiritual prison. We come to study Dhamma and develop samadhi (mental stability and calm) and vipassana (insight) in order to destroy upadana. Or, if we speak metaphorically, we study Dhamma and develop the mind in order to destroy the prison that now traps us.



We're speaking about a mental or spiritual prison, but it has the same meaning as a concrete prison. It's just like the physical prisons that people are caught in everywhere, but now we're speaking of a purely spiritual prison. This prison's a bit odd, or extraordinary, in that we can't see its substance with our eyes. What's even more extraordinary is that people volunteer to get locked up in this prison. People are actually delighted to go and get locked up in spiritual prison. This is a very queer aspect of the spiritual prison.

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