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拔除我执即是自囚牢中释放 Voidness is Not Prison
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Voidness is Not Prison

总结前面所谈的各种囚牢,即是巴利文所谓的“自我”( atta)。 “自我”就是囚牢,每一种囚牢最后都可归因于“自我”,因为执著自我,又产生“我所有”,这就是真正的囚牢,也是造成囚牢的罪魁祸首。所有的囚牢都归结在自我,请务必拔除自我、愚痴,那么所有的囚牢就会消失。如果你修习出入息念能真正有所成就,就可以彻底摧毁一切的囚牢。也就是说,摧毁“自我”则所有囚牢就会随之毁灭,同时,再也不会建造任何的囚牢了。祝福大家都能成功地摧毁囚牢──“自我”。

May we tell you that this is the last one, the final prison. Escape from the prison of highest purity, break out of the purest prison, into the voidness free of soul and self. Not having any self, living free from self, voidness of self -- of any sense of self, void of all ideas and notions about self -- is true purity. Any purity which is truly eternal cannot be a prison in any respect, unless people misunderstand and cling to it as some self or soul, in which case it becomes a prison again. Let go unequivocally, be absolutely free of self -- that is real purity. It's no prison. Voidness is the purity which isn't a prison.

So it is that the real prison, the collection of all these prisons that we have mentioned, is the thing they call "atta" (in Pali), "self," or "soul." Oneself is the prison. This self here is the prison. Every kind of prison is included in, comes down to the words "oneself" or "myself." Clinging to self as self, and then as belonging to self, attaching to "I" and "mine," this is the true prison, the heart and soul of all prisons. All prisons are gathered in the word "atta." Tear out the foolishness that creates atta, along with atta itself, and all the prisons will be gone. If you practice anapanasati (mindfulness with breathing in and out) correctly until truly successful in it -- real, not imagined success -- you will destroy all the prisons completely. That is, destroy atta, then all the prisons are finished and we won't build any more of them ever again. May you all experience success in destroying the prisons, that is, atta or self.


The purpose of anapanasati is to remove all vestiges of upadana regarding self. The complete removal of attachment toward self is the final and perfect quenching of dukkha, which happens to be the meaning of liberation, of salvation. The highest goal of every religion is salvation, the value and benefits of which are beyond words. So please try. Anapanasati, when practiced correctly, leads to this liberation from atta. I have been trying my best and I am willing to do whatever I can to help everyone understand anapanasati and practice it successfully, in order that all of us can escape from all aspects of humanity's prison.


(注一) 泰文Saiyasatr 中 Saiya 意指“睡眠”,Satr 意指“科学”,被当成“学”(]ology)使用。合译为“睡眠学”( sleepology)或“睡眠的科学”(sleepy science)。

【译注一】 依泰本巴利藏第21册, 62 页。佛陀说:“就在这结合心、想的六尺之躯内学习。”

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