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六根是囚牢 The Senses Are Prison
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The Senses Are Prison

接下来, 要谈一个最有趣、最贴近我们的囚牢, 那就是人人都有的六入( ayatana)或六根──眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意,它们也是囚牢。让我们细细观察,专心聆听,以了解眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意六根如何变成囚牢。

Next, we come to the most amusing prison, the prison that's closest to us. There are these eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind: the six ayatana, the six sense media or bases. They are prisons, too. Take a slow, careful look at them. Listen carefully in order to understand how our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind -- all six of them -- become prisons.

巴利文称六根为 ayatana 。 原义是指和外界相接触、沟通的工具或管道等等,如果大家愿意的话,可以直接用巴利文 ayatana 这个字。这六根全都是囚牢。

In Pali we call them the ayatana. The root of this word literally means "tools or means for communicating with the external world" -- places, mechanisms, means, or whatever, for contacting or communicating with the external world. We call them "ayatana." If you're willing, use this Pali word "ayatana." We aren't sure what to call them in English, maybe "sense media" or "connectors." All six ayatana are prisons.


We have upadana towards life, regarding ourselves, which has these six media for sensing, for experiencing, for communicating, or for tasting and receiving sense objects. When there's upadana regarding these six ayatana, we serve them and become their slaves. We serve the eyes to gratify the eyes. We serve the ears to gratify the ears. We serve the nose to satisfy the nose. We serve the tongue to satiate the tongue. We serve the skin and general body sense to make it comfortable. We serve the mind, the mental sense, in order to soothe and comfort it. This means that all our behavior is just for entertaining these ayatana. Everything we do is for the sake of these six ayatana. We surrender to them and become their slaves. Then, they squeeze and control us, there's no avoiding them. We call this "getting caught in the prison of the ayatana."


Consider whether there is anyone, whether there are any of you, who is not slavishly serving these six ayatana. And you serve them willingly, don't you? You endure hardships and bend over backwards in order to serve them, always looking for ways to make the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind comfortable and happy, in the most bound up way. So we must admit that we are slaves. Those people who lack wisdom will certainly be slaves of the ayatana, will keep getting caught in the prison of ayatana. Through the correct and successful practice of mindfulness with breathing, we can escape from the prison. If we practice anapanasati incorrectly and incompletely, we will remain caught in the ayatana prison for who knows how long.

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 宗镜录略讲下册 (第十二章)[栏目:南怀瑾居士]



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