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当前栏目:[宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks]文集

 什么是性定? What Is Samadhi? 阅读:2527
 佛教徒的本分 The Basic Responsibility of a Buddhist 阅读:1966
 学佛法贵在实行 The Most Important Thing in Learning Buddhism Is Practice 阅读:1863
 为何有超人的智慧? How to Attain Transcendental Wisdom 阅读:1997
 感激诸佛菩萨恩 How to Repay the Kindness of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 阅读:2125
 少说社会应酬话 Cut Down on Frivolous Talk 阅读:2180
 对三宝不要有贡高我慢 Dont Be Arrogant toward the Triple Jewel 阅读:1919
 家贼难防 Its Hard to Stay on Guard against Thieves inside Your Own House 阅读:1886
 真实的法味 The True Flavor of Dharma 阅读:1936
 听经、背经的方法 The Knack of Memorizing Sutras 阅读:2206
 「谋生」与「谋死」“Preparing for Life” and “Preparing for Death” 阅读:1742
 做一个好的驾驶员 Be a Good Driver 阅读:1764
 一切众生都是佛教徒 All Living Beings Are Buddhists 阅读:1807
 如何断烦恼 How to Cut Off Afflictions 阅读:1915
 烦恼即菩提 Affliction Is Bodhi 阅读:2271
 住道场要随众 When Living in a Way-place, Follow the Assembly 阅读:1823
 万事忍为贵 Of All Things, Patience Is the Most Noble 阅读:1953
 发愿出于真诚心 Making Vows with a True and Sincere Mind 阅读:1934
 《楞严经》是诸经的骨髓 The Shurangama Sutra Is the Essence of All Sutras 阅读:2358
 认假作真 Taking the False for the Real 阅读:2099

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