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当前栏目:[Bhikkhu Khantipalo]文集

 Lay Buddhist Practice - Contents - Preface 阅读:1979
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Introduction 阅读:1655
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Daily Practice 阅读:1733
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Offerings 阅读:1743
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Gestures of Respect 阅读:1647
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Preliminary Formula for Revering the Buddha 阅读:1707
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Three Refuges 阅读:1617
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Five Precepts 阅读:1695
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Recollections 阅读:1560
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Meditation 阅读:2218
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Anumodana 阅读:1701
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Chanting 阅读:1743
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Laitys Practice of Dhamma 阅读:1698
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Uposatha 阅读:1805
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Eight Precepts 阅读:1699
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Rains Residence 阅读:1785
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Purpose of These Practices 阅读:1556
 Lay Buddhist Practice - The Discourse to Visakha on the Uposatha with the Eight Practices 阅读:1754
 Lay Buddhist Practice - Appendix of Pali Passages 阅读:2214

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