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18 -Impurity (Dh.235-255) 十八、垢秽品
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18 -Impurity (Dh.235-255)

235. Like a withered leaf are you now; death’s messengers await you. You stand on the eve of your departure, yet you have made no provision for your journey! 236. Make an island for yourself! Strive hard and become wise! Rid of impurities and cleansed of stain, you shall enter the celestial abode ofthe Noble Ones. irritability︰n.易怒。 withered︰a.枯萎的。


〈235~ 238〉

235汝今已似枯燋叶,阎魔使者近身边。汝已伫立死门前,旅 途汝亦无资粮1。

236汝宜自造安全洲2,迅速精勤为智者。拂除尘垢无烦恼, 得达诸天之圣境3。

237. Your life has come to an end now; you are setting forth into the presence of Yama, the King of Death. No resting place is there for you on the way, yet you have made no provision for your journey! 238. Make an island for yourself! Strive hard and become wise! Rid of impurities and cleansed of stain, you shall not come again tobirthand decay. 239.One by one, little by little, moment by moment, a wise man should remove his own impurities, as a smith removes the dross fromsilver.

240. Just as rust arising from iron eats away the base from which it 1旅途资粮:patheyyam道路资粮。DhpA.︰「道路资粮︰好像是旅客的米 等道路资粮,对正要往他世者来说,则是没有善的道路资粮之意。」

2自造安全洲︰karohi dipamattano,你应该做自己的洲。「做自己的洲」 是指善业。 S.1.32./I,18.︰“Pubbani paralokasmim, patittha honti paninan”ti. (诸功德在后世,有息者立足处。 )

3诸天之圣境︰Dibbam ariyabhumim,指色界天的净居天 (suddhavasa,m.)。 只有阿那含才能投生。 DhpA.︰「诸天之圣境:如此这努力,已破坏诸 染、诸垢的状态。排泻掉垢、秽,无秽,无污染,也就是说将圆满五种 纯净住地之意。」

arises, evenso,their owndeedslead transgressors tostatesofwoe.

241. Non-repetition is the bane of scriptures; neglect is the bane of a home; slovenliness is the bane of personal appearance, and heedlessness is thebane of aguard. 242. Unchastity is the taint in a woman; niggardliness is the taint in a giver. Taints, indeed, are all evil things, both in this world and thenext. 243. A worse taint than these is ignorance, the worst of all taints. Destroythis onetaint and become taintless, O monks! settingforth︰提出。 provision︰n.资粮。 transgressor︰n.犯法者。 bane︰

n.祸根。 slovenly︰a.懒散的。 unchastity︰n.不贞。 niggardly︰a.吝啬的。 237汝今寿命行已终,汝已移步近阎魔。道中既无停息处, 旅途汝亦无资粮。

238汝宜自造安全洲,迅速精勤为智者。拂除尘垢无烦恼, 不复重来生与老。1

1舍卫城有位屠牛夫,每餐必须有咖哩牛肉饭。有一天,他前往河中沐浴, 当他离家后,他的一位朋友劝他妻子把牛肉卖掉,所以当天就没有咖哩 牛肉饭。他非常生气,就跑到后院去,割下一只公牛的舌头,烘焙后坐 下来吃。吃饭时,但却咬断自己的舌头,死于非命,并且往生到恶趣。 他的妻子吓到,便劝他的儿子离开家乡。她的儿子就到怛剎尸罗去当金 匠,结婚生子。后来,返回舍卫城。金匠的儿子们都是佛教徒,担心父 亲一生中没有做过任何的善行。有一天,他们以父亲的名义供养佛陀和 诸比丘。请佛陀跟他们的父亲开示,佛陀说:「你老了,你的身体像枯 叶,你不要没有来世善的旅途资粮做立足处,要聪明一点,不要笨笨的。」




〈242~ 243〉 242邪行妇人秽,吝啬施者秽。此界及他界,恶法实为秽。 243此等诸垢中,无明垢为最,汝当除此垢,成无垢比库!

244. Easy is life for the shameless one who is as impudent as a crow, back-biting and forward, arrogant and corrupt. 245. Difficult is life for the modest one who always seeks purity, is detached and unassuming, clean in life, and discerning. 246-247. One who destroys life, utters lies, takes what is not given, goes to another man’s wife, and is addicted to intoxicating drinks—such a man digs up his own root even in this veryworld.

248. Know this, O good man: evil things are difficult to control. Let not greedand wickedness dragyou to protracted misery. 1有一次,一位婆罗门看见一群比丘在整装,准备去托钵。他发现到有的 比丘的袈裟碰到草地上的雨露而沾湿了,他就除草。第二天,他发现有 的比丘的袈裟碰地而弄脏了,他就用细砂铺路。某日。大热天,他发现 比丘汗流浃背,他就盖一座凉亭。下雨天,他发现还是会被雨水淋湿, 就盖一间休息的房舍。房舍盖好时,他邀请佛陀和众多比丘接受供养。 佛陀说︰「婆罗门啊!有智慧的人一点一滴的完成善行。同时,慢慢地, 但持续不断的去除心中的烦恼。」

2不诵经典是 (学习的)污垢,不勤劳是房屋的污垢,懒惰是美貌的污垢, 放逸是守护的污垢。

249. People give according totheir faith or regard. If one becomes discontented with the food and drink given by others, one does notattain meditative absorption, either by dayor by night. 250. But he in whom this (discontent) is fully destroyed, uprooted and extinct, he attains absorption, bothby dayand by night. impudent︰a.无礼的。 arrogant︰a.傲慢的。 protracted︰a.拖延的。

〈244~ 245〉

244生活无惭愧,卤莽如乌鸦,诋毁于他人,大胆自夸张, 傲慢邪恶者,其人生活易。

245生活于惭愧,常求于清净,不着欲谦逊,住清净生活, 富于识见者,其人生活难1。

1小沙利比丘 (Culasari)与舍利弗尊者的同住,他懂得医理。有一天,他看 完一位病人后,他向尊者说自己医疗后,得到美食做为医疗的报酬。他 请舍利弗尊者与他分享这些美味。但舍利弗尊者一言不发地离去。比丘 议论纷纷去见佛陀。佛陀说︰「诸比丘!无惭者不计后果,形同乌鸦 (按︰ 乌鸦有偷盗行为 ),二十一种错误的谋生方式生活较快乐,具足惭者生活 较苦。」台谚也有:「做恶做毒﹐骑马辘硞;好心好行﹐无衫通穿。」 (co3ok4co3tok8\ khia5be2lok8khok8\ ho2sim1ho2hing7\bo5sann1 thang1 ching7)

〈246~ 248〉 246若人于世界,杀生.说妄语,取人所不与,犯于别人妻。 247及耽湎饮酒,行为如是者,即于此世界,毁掘自善根。 248如是汝应知:不制则为恶;莫贪与非法,自陷于永苦。1

〈249~ 250〉 249若信乐故施。心嫉他得食,彼于昼或夜,不得入三昧。 250若斩断此心,拔根及除灭,则于昼或夜,彼得入三昧。2

251. There is no fire like lust; there is no grip like hatred; there is no net like delusion; thereis no river like craving.

252. Easily seen is the fault of others, but his own are difficult to see. Like chaff one winnows another’s faults, but hides his own, even as a crafty fowler hides behind sham branches.
253. He who seeks another’s faults, who is ever censorious --his cankers grow. He is far fromdestructionofthe cankers.
254. There is no track in the sky, and no recluse outside (the 1有一次,五位在家优婆塞到祇树给孤独园去持戒,他们各自守五戒中的 一戒,每个人都说自己所守的戒最难做到,最难遵守。因此争论不休, 他们就向佛陀报告他们各自的见解,佛陀说:「所有戒律都难于遵守。」

2年轻人提舍 (Tissadahara)会蔑视他人的善行。他甚至蔑视给孤独长者和毘 舍佉布施给五十万圣弟子 (pabcannam ariyasavakakotinam)。他更吹嘘说, 他的亲戚都非常富有,像大寺院接受四方来的比丘。有些比丘怀疑,就 去调查,结果发现他的亲戚都很贫穷,提舍所说的全不实在。

Buddha’s dispensation). Mankind delights in worldliness, but the Buddhas are free fromworldliness.

255. There is no track in the sky, and no recluse outside (the Buddha’s dispensation). There are no conditioned things that are eternal, and no instability in theBuddhas.

251无火等于贪欲,无执着如瞋恚,无网等于愚痴, 无河流如爱欲。1


1本句白话翻译︰「没有像贪欲的火,没有像瞋恚的执着,没有像愚痴的 网,没有像爱欲的河流。」说此本偈的因缘是,有一次佛陀在说法时, 五位居士当中有四位没有专心在听。这四位没有专心在听的人,过去世 当过蛇 (听法时打瞌睡 )、地下生物 (听法时刮地 )、猴子 (听法时摇树 )、星 象家(听法时看天 ),因此习性犹在。



〈254~ 255〉 254虚空无道迹,外道无沙门。众生喜虚妄,如来无虚妄。 255虚空无道迹,外道无沙门。五蕴无常住,诸佛无动乱。

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上一篇:19 -TheJust(Dh.256-272) 十九、法住品
下一篇:17 -Anger (Dh.221-234) 十七、忿怒品
 中英对照 Dhammapada《法句经》序
 17 -Anger (Dh.221-234) 十七、忿怒品
 15 -Happiness (Dh.197-208) 十五、乐品..
 4-Flower (Dh.44-59) 四、华品
 21 -Miscellaneous (Dh.290-305) 二十一、..
 7 -TheArahat(Dh.90-99) 七、阿拉汉品
 13 -TheWorld (Dh.167-178) 十三、世品..
 9 -Evil (Dh.116-128) 九、恶品
 14 -TheBuddha (Dh.179-196) 十四、佛陀品..
 1-ThePairs(Dh.1-20) 一、双品
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