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独立 On One’s Own
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On One’s Own


People in the city often raise these questions to those who have taken the monastic ordination: “Are you allowed to marry? How will you get on without being married? Won’t you be lonely and feel lonesome?” These questions infer that all the pleasures in the world cannot be experienced unless one lives a married life.


However, a layman once confided to me the troubles of a married life as follows: It is known to all that marriage is the tomb of love. When lovers get married, any little sentiment of romance vanishes, leaving behind only endless responsibilities and conflicts. First there is the baby. Without procreating people suspect you have problems, either physically or mentally. Once the baby is born, we must make ourselves subservient to his growth and development. When he goes to school, we are concerned about his studies. This is followed by worries over his job, family, children, and on and on without a break, as if we are tethered to a rope that can never be undone, until we die.


It is so true! Everyone believes that this is how one fulfills his duty to society. However, the wheels of history will never stop moving because of your marital status. Come to think of it, what on earth is a married life good for?


In fact, the ordained life is a life most unrestrained, carefree, and pleasant. Happiness does not have to come from being in a crowd. High up in the sky, the moon outshines all the stars, thanks to its sublime qualities. Near the mountain brooks, pine trees stand tall and reach to the sky, thanks to their indomitable spirit. In the meditation cave, the recluse attains great bliss, because he has tapped into the fountain of happiness.


Geshe Potowa says: “Nowadays people invest a huge amount of time to plan for the future. But they are unaware that for a practitioner to withstand loneliness, it is important to become self-reliant first.” Tsangpa Gyare also says: “If you want happiness, choose to live by yourself. When food is abundant, enjoy it to your heart’s desire; there’s no need to share with others. If food is scarce, you still feel at ease because there is no worry to feed others, and you are happy. Even during perils like cold and starvation, you can endure them all by yourself. This kind of life is a pleasant one.”


Geshe Khapa says: “Worldly people are rude, brutal, irascible, and selfish, I am better off without having them as my retinues. The subjects I keep are diligence and wisdom; they never tire me and can fulfill all that I need.”

最后,再将巴 瓦的一段言教赠予大家“具有财富名望之时,唯命是从随声附和;无力损害利益之时,以恩护养也相轻凌。恶时眷属极难有利,独自烹调世人皆知,不离亲眷乃自妙手,无须欺诳诈现威仪。独自享乐悠闲舒畅,苦行饮食无穷无尽。独自生计何处皆觅,独自衣衫怎样皆暖。绝地妙火炽热十分,独自安住何等亦胜,无我茅棚逸然温馨。”

Lastly, I offer everyone a teaching from Geshe Bawa:
When you possess great wealth and fame, people are obedient and submissive to you.
When you become powerless to exert any favor or damage, you are humiliated, even by those who have been cared for by you.
In degenerate times, it’s difficult to benefit or care for followers. Prepare your own meals and do not order people around.
The best and most reliable attendant is our own pair of hands; there is no need to put on a pretense for them.
Enjoying good things by oneself is relaxing and delightful.
For an ascetic the food supply never exhausts, sustenance for one person is easy to find everywhere.
Clothes for one readily give enough warmth; practicing Tummo Yoga brings excellent heat.
The pleasure of living by oneself is indeed great, cozy and sweet is my thatched hut, toward which I hold no clinging.


28th of March, Year of RenWu
May 10, 2002

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 飞人 Human Flying
 会死 Inescapable Death
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